Saturday, May 5, 2007

Hijabi Power in Action!

In western Sweden, a Muslim woman has won her battle with a supermarket which told her at a job interview that she couldn't work there if she refused to remove her headscarf. The woman took her case to the Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination and was awarded compensation. The ICA Kvantum supermarket in Västra Frölunda were ordered to apologize to the woman and pay her around $11,000 in damages. The supermarket has adjusted its dress code for staff.

…And who says Muslim women are oppressed, meek and timid characters…! I rate this woman for refusing to be victimised or compromise her right to wear hijab in a workplace. I rate her for not just making a fuss and moaning about this form of discrimination and oppression – she took some solid action and worked within the systems to make an effective change for her and her community.

It’s so refreshing to hear Muslim women refusing to accept discriminatory acts and take it upon themselves to empower themselves and stand up for their rights. Remember ladies, if you want something bad enough – you’re gonna have to go out and do it yourself!

Girl power rocks!

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