Sunday, May 20, 2007

Brilliant Documentary by Channel 4 and CTVC

A mind blowing, objectional, inspirational expose on the 'Battle of the Holy Land' and its impact upon the Palestinian's plight. This documentary exposed the racist state of Israel for what it truly is and the injustices and oppression endured by the Palestinians since the illegal occupation of Palestinian terrotories as well as East Jerusalem. East Jerusalem is considered by the international community to be illegally occupied by Israel, in contravention of several binding UN Security Council Resolutions.

Read more on the documentary here:

I urge all readers to take some action and email/call Channel 4 and CTVC in humble gratitude for objective, balanced coverage of the true ongoings in the Middle East. The choice of presenter - Paddy Ashdown - was particularly inspiring and refreshing for his objective and informative presenting - finally a presenter and researcher who does not have an ulterior motive and is not driven by a pro-Israeli agenda.

Thank channel 4 and CTVC NOW as no doubt the pro-Israeli community have already complained in numbers, exploiting the anti-semitism card. Don't just lobby the media when they are bias and tar us as extremists and fanatics - lobby them in the postive too! Credit where credit is due! Well done Channel 4 and CTVC!

Contact Channel 4:

Tel: 0845 076 0191

Contact CTVC:

tel: +44 (0)20 7940 8480

Trust MPACUK to cover the documentary and try to convert it into positive action for readers (aka political and media lobbying):

And Jonathan Fryer has made a very interesting and informative post on his blog:

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