Saturday, May 12, 2007

David Cameron - Our Friend?

David Cameron has spent the last week living with a Muslim family in Birmingham. I’ve been going over this in my head and have contemplated what his true motives behind this could be. It’s not every day politicians decide to move in with us! Was it a publicity stunt to appease voters from the Muslim community? If so, he must have had to deal with the inevitable wrath from the pro-Israeli lobbies in the UK and abroad who undoubtedly must have given him hell for reaching out to Muslims. Does he truly want to reach out to us, to try to understand us, because he really does care for all citizens of our country? Either way, Muslims must take note that Cameron could be the next PM and it is about time we started to pay attention and look into those who reach out a friendly hand. I’m not saying Conservatives and Cameron are the answers to our prayers in relation to the horrific foreign policy our country turn a blind eye to. But research into the Conservatives, into Cameron and we could be pleasantly surprised….

In the meantime, I urge people to post some appreciative feedback on his blog for trying to reach out and extend a hand to us. Remember, if you don’t, pro-Israeli Zionists will speak on your behalf damning his actions…or even worse certain people from our own community!

Some extracts from his blog:

My final thought yesterday was that integration is a two way street. Yes we can ask minority ethnic communities to work at integrating with British society as a whole, but we have to recognise that it won’t happen unless there’s something attractive to integrate into. Time after time I heard people here talking about the uncivilised behaviour and values that they see all around them. As I’ve said before, we can’t just bully people into being more British, we’ve got to inspire them. And frankly, there are many aspects of our society today which are hardly inspiring – the drinking, the drug-taking, the rudeness and incivility, the lack of consideration for others, anti-social behaviour…we’ve got a serious fight on our hands to build a responsible society that is the kind of society people admire and want to be part of. I know we can do it because most people in this country, like the people I’ve met here, are decent, hard-working and committed to their communities. We’ve got to much more to make sure that those are the values that win out.

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