Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Foreign Policy isn't THAT bad...is it?

I came across this on a blog which seems to be run by dogs - little bulldogs that is:

Finally, we have the very vocal MPACUK. In a piece today they blame our foreign policy for radicalising young Muslims (something which we know not to be true because most of these Muslims were involved with Al Muhajiroun pre-9/11). They also blame the Mosque leaders for not doing anything. At least we can agree on the latter.

What I find interesting is that people only seem to think that after 9/11 foreign policy became an issue.


Israeli occupation of Palestine has been going on for decades and some politicians have backed Israeli. Now I'm pretty sure that has something to do with foreign policy.

It worries me that alot of people on this earth do not seem to find anything wrong with what Israel is doing. The Palestinians don't have a voice. I bet some Non-Muslims and Muslims don't even consider it a problem - now that is disturbing.

We need vocal groups like MPACUK to say something - the killings of the Palestinians can't continue in silence anymore - we have do something. It's time to rise up and live up to the title that Allah gave us - Muslim.

It's time for those that have an ounce of humanity in them to stand them. Because if we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything.

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