Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Celebrating the 40th anniversary of a crime....a slap in the face for the International community!

Nothing is more disturbing than seeing the glorification of criminal activities, one would think that such acts would only be restricted to common crooks who hold scant regard for the rule of law. Yet the Zionist Federation of the UK is doing precisely that, they are celebrating what they are calling the 40th anniversary of the "re-unification" of Jerusalem.

In reality it is, sadly, the 40th anniversary of the illegal occupation of Jerusalem, which Israel continues to occupy in defiance of UN resolutions and international law.

The legal position on Jerusalem is well known and undisputable. East Jerusalem is considered by the international community to be illegally occupied by Israel, in contravention of several binding UN Security Council Resolutions. In these resolutions, the United Nations Security Council has also called for no measures to be taken to change the status of Jerusalem until a final settlement is reached between the sides: declaring Jerusalem as Israel's capital is an attempt to change this status, and is thus a violation of these Security Council resolutions.

Yet despite this we see continuous settlement expansion and increased hardship for Palestinian citizens of Jerusalem making it harder for them to live in their home short implicit ethnic cleansing.

The sickening part is that all this is happening for all the World to see yet no Western Government pays anything more than lip service to this grave situation.

The celebration by the Zionist Federation is a slap in the face of Western Democratic Values... it stands for 40 years of injustice, occupation and racism and they should be ashamed of themselves!

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