Thursday, April 19, 2007

Muslim Organisations and the Environment

Keeping in line with environmental week, I've decided to write about Muslim organisations and the environment.

Without a doubt, the environment is very important, and you'd expect Muslims to be right at the forefront of doing good work in this field - however, it seems that this is not the case at all.

There are very few Muslim organisations that are doing something: LINE, IFEES and MPACUK (they have a section called Green Muslims which I think is really useful) are the ones that come to mind.

I have to admit, I would've rather had said the names of mosques instead of these organisations, because the mosque should be the are where we go to learn about Islam in every sense of the word.

Imagine if our mosques taught us to be more environmentally friendly, imagine the postive impact on society. Yes, caring for the environment is common sense, but the mosque could be the centre from where we could learn how to refine our need to help the environment.

I know I seem to have moved onto the mosques, but that's because they are so important for Muslims, yet the mosque leaders don't seem to see this. I think it's great we have some organisations doing something, but imagine if our mosques were active (or atleast more active than they are), then we wouldn't need other organisations. Our mosques would be the centre of reforming society.

In conclusion, our mosques really need to shape up if they want to be the beacons of light they once were - may Allah guide us all to being true Muslims, and not just people who follow a bunch of rituals. Ameen.

“You are the best of the nations raised up for (the benefit of) men, you enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and believe in Allah…”

(Surah Al Imran 3:110)

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