Speaking of contrasting views about environmental issues, Melanie Phillips (that's her mugshot on the left) is one who certainly falls into that category.
Here's an excerpt from one of her more "thought-provoking and intelligent" articles:
Channel Four’s devastating documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle has blown an enormous hole in every fundamental claim made to support the climate change obsession — including the claim that the argument is over.
A procession of eminent scientists — climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers, geologists, biogeographers, astrophysicists, professors of earth science, plus the former head of Greenpeace, who said that the global warming proponents were ‘anti-human’ — showed on the contrary that the theory bore no relation to science whatsoever.
The earth was much warmer during many periods in the past; the ice caps were always expanding and contracting and Greenland was much warmer 1,000 years ago; most of the atmosphere was not warming as much as surface temperatures; volcanoes, animals and vegetation each produced infinitely more carbon dioxide than human activity; carbon dioxide could not possibly be the culprit for climate change since historically the warming of the atmosphere preceded any increases in carbon dioxide, thus showing up a central claim made by Al Gore in his movie to be utter rubbish; and so on.
Read the rest of this article here
For someone who is seemingly very intelligent, to think that the issues of global warming "bore no relation to science whatsoever", well that's just crazy.
I think we can all see how the environmental changes are affecting thousands of lives - be they of humans or animals. To think that nothing needs to be done, well Melanie Phillips has then certainly lost her head.
No wonder they call her 'Mad Mel'
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