Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Iran to be attacked?

See I disagree with Abu Funza. No I don’t mean with everything he says, although meet him and you’ll realise how much waffle he actually chats. At the moment I’m particularly mad at him over a certain trip to Birmingham. But that’s another post for another time. No here, I differ in opinion with him in regards to whether America will invade Iran.

I refuse to believe America could be so incredibly stupid. Sure Iran did itself no favours by detaining our soldiers, Ahmedinajad may have a few screws loose, and personally I don’t particularly agree with theocracies. And the US probably echo these views, but like I said, I refuse to believe that these are grounds for attacking a country and I refuse to believe that they haven’t learnt from Iraq. The absolute MESS that they have caused there. (What astounds me is how shocked they seem to be about it as well. I knew 14 year old girls that could have told them it would never have worked. They who employ the best minds thought Iraq would welcome them with open arms. Yeah right. And then everything would go swimmingly- the US would have protected their interests whilst democracy would reign. What’s the saying?- you can’t force democracy with the barrel of a gun?) But I’m not going to go in to all the many many reasons we should never have gone into Iraq- you’ve heard it all before and besides it’d take too much time and I’m sposed to be getting ready to go out.

And even if Iraq had never happened and Iran was still on the agenda, has America forgotten what the word sovereign means? So much for fighting against empires.

Well basically this post was just to say, I believe America are cleverer than that. I can’t seriously believe that they think that they will be able to, just logistically even, or get away with invading Iran. I don’t know what the mood is like amongst the American people, but certainly amongst us British, we ain’t gonna stand for it.

Of course a little while later I could be apologising for my foolishness/naiveté and be hanging my head with shame….

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