Monday, April 30, 2007
Crazy dude arrested - Muslims don't care because he's crazy!
This blogger* thinks that Zulfi Bukhari (from MPACUK) was making an incorrect point, but I agree with Mr Bukhari - Abu Izzadeen is nothing but a loudmouth who no one actually listens to.
But the media love talking about/to him - he's nothing to the Muslim community! He doesn't represent anyone, and he just goes on about stuff that nobody really gives a flying hookah about.
To have arrested him, like Mr Bukhari said, will not go down well within the Muslim community - what great steps we're taking towards helping Muslims to "integrate"
*this blogger has the funkiest views on the Middle East Conflict - he thinks is Israel is good! lol! how stupid can someone be? May Allah help the Palestinians through their suffering and pain. Ameen
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Muslim schools – 'a ticking time-bomb waiting to explode' - ???

Speaking at a seminar on the subject of segregation, Nick Johnson of the Commission for Racial Equality asked:
"If a Muslim child is educated in a school where the vast majority of other children are also Muslim, how can we expect him to work, live and interact with people from other cultures when he leaves school? This is a ticking time-bomb waiting to explode."
I personally have mixed views about segregating our future generation from one another, based on their religious beliefs. By all means everyone is allowed the freedom to choose the best educational facilities for their child - I know I’d appreciate it! But coming from a professional from within state education, as well as a young British Muslim, I can appreciate the sentiments behind Nick Johnston’s statement. We live in a multicultural, cosmopolitan society, world even whereby we must interact with people of different backgrounds, cultures, religions, colour, dialects – you name it! So to understand them, to appreciate what they contribute to our society, should we not then be integrated with them in all aspects of our lives – be it from school to shopping at a supermarket and working with them professionally.
But how will our future generation even acknowledge the beautiful diversity we have in this world if they are educated strictly separately from them?
At the same time, I can appreciate why parents may decide to send their child to a ‘Muslim school’ – I’ve had heated discussions with my bro-in-law’s decision to send my above average niece to one (she’s so damn bright, I’m telling ya!). Bringing up children with the core principals, values and teachings of Islam is becoming a challenge in today’s ‘western world’ as he put it and hence they want their child to have a solid foundation of her religion from a young age – before college and university.
But what happens when my 6 year old niece gets to college where her peers are both male and female and of different colour, background, beliefs? Will she be able to adapt to this new ‘world’? Will interaction come second nature to people she may never have come across before…? To people she will live with in society?
And if every, no scratch that, if half of Muslim children went to Islamic schools – who would be left in state schools to represent the Muslim community to make known that we’re not a bunch of fundamentalist extremists that want to be segregated from non-Muslims?
But I’ll leave you with this note, how many times have you heard people in influential positions slam Islamic schools as a threat to community cohesion and unable to prepare Muslim children as good British citizens. Why are Muslim schools singled out when there are thousands of state-funded Christian schools, compared to about 5 state-funded Muslim schools? And while only 3% of British Muslim children attend Muslim schools 49% of British Jewish children attend Jewish schools.
Findings of a recent study by Dr Andrew Holden stated: "The greater degree of racial tolerance in an overwhelmingly Asian/Muslim populated school again calls into question the common sense assumption that mixed schools represent the most tolerant environments."
The biggest and most important issue that Nick Johnson and the Commission for Racial Equality should be concerned about in order to foster an inclusive, cohesive British society, is Islamophobia in state schools. What is being done about this! Rather than moaning and bleating about Muslim schools, collect evidence of Islamophobia in schools and counter it!
Latest example of Islamophobic racist kids in action:
Phew…feels good getting that off my chest!
Peace out.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Who's the Terrorist?
This is a political Arab rap performed by the Palestinian hip hop group called DAM. They sing about the struggle of the Palestinian people and highlight the oppression they experience every single day
Check it out:
Thursday, April 26, 2007
If only I could use my Kufi as a weapon...
The reason I bring up Mad Mel is because, not only does she have wacky views when it comes to the environment, but she thinks that the Israelis are the victims!
Here's one of her latest articles:
As Hamas screams for yet another round of attacks against Israel, and claims responsibility for volleys of at least twelve Kassam rockets and eight mortar rounds fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip this morning, points out the astounding-if-it-wasn’t-so-routine fact that, while the western media insist that the Palestinians have maintained a ‘cease-fire’ against Israel for the past five months, the following Palestinian terrorist incidents have taken place:
• Islamic Jihad terrorist captured near Tel Aviv after his bomb belt fails to detonate
• Palestinian bride arrested on suspicion of planning to carry out suicide bombing
• 3 Israelis injured in shooting attack near Modi’in
• Hamas calls for further kidnappings of Israeli soldiers
• Israeli cars shot at in West Bank
• Israeli civilian wounded in West Bank drive-by shooting
• Arrests prevent huge Hamas-planned car bomb in Tel Aviv
• Egypt arrests would-be Hamas suicide bomber near Israeli border
• Palestinian rockets hit Sderot home; several Israelis treated for shock
Indeed, as in this typical Associated Press story, the media claim the existence of this Palestinian ‘cease-fire’ while in the very same story recording the never-ending Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel. The inescapable implication of this systematic and mind-twisting denial of Palestinian military aggression and equally systematic concentration on Israeli measures to counter it is that such Palestinian attacks aren’t considered to be attacks at all because their targets are Israelis, whose own self-defence is thus characterised falsely as aggression. Thus Israeli victimisation and Palestinian aggression continue to be airbrushed out of the moral equation, and Israel continues to be wickedly demonised in the eyes of the western world.
How dare she say that Palestinian aggression is airbrushed?! If anything, the injustices committed by the Israeli soldiers are airbrushed.
I swear, sometimes I feel like shoving a kufi down that woman's throat - but then that would be a waste of a good kufi.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Global warming and others
Last week reading the Observer I came across Nick Cohen whose article I was pleasantly surprised by. He wrote of the danger of extremists undermining their own cause: as by the “eco-extremists” picking on Al Gore for his private electricity bills they are diverting attention away from the real cause. He states it’s the last thing we need - eco-extremists “trumping Gore’s inconvenient truth with a convenient excuse for doing nothing”. This article makes me like Nick Cohen as I have yet to form my own opinion on him. (I will read something about him or that he’s written and I’m like what a fool, but then on some domestic issues I generally agree with him e.g his stance on ID cards, grammar schools.) On the other hand there are people whose stance on the environment makes me dislike them even more. Jeremy Clarkson famously doesn’t give a monkeys, which definitely makes me dislike him even more. If you’re wondering he’s just too over the top and whilst when Hammond or James May do something it’s funny, when Clarkson does its normally pathetically sad/lame. Also sometimes I feel he just promotes or goes on about something just for the sake of it, although I did think he was funny on Have I Got News for You a couple of weeks ago. Then we come to Melanie Phillip’s views as below. I frequently read her stuff although why I bother is a mystery to me. Her views on global warming are positively bizarre, especially coming from someone who has no doubt never studied the subject, let alone devoted years of her life, like global warming scientist researchers have. Strange strange lady. (No, I ain’t picking on these people but when someone is so off on one issue, it kind of makes you question their other beliefs, no?)
Lastly, the religious leaders and their responses make for interesting reading. The Church of England last week released The Ten Green Commandments entitled “How many light bulbs does it take to change a Christian?” (Every time I read that I chuckle, but then I tend to find godawful jokes like that funny). Many of my friends have told me of their local rabbis talking of the need to take urgent steps. But the Muslim leaders, the imams? Well my local imam could be talking about climate change and what we could do, but they don’t allow women in, and don’t speak in English so not like I’d know. Now I know criticising the mosques is Funzie’s special area, but the Church of England taking steps has got to have shamed them in to doing something? Somehow I doubt it.
Let’s not end there. Let’s end on this instead:
“According to a survey in this week’s Time magazine, 85% of Americans think global warming is happening. The other 15% work for the White House.”
(Like i said, i like godawful jokes)
Global Warming is a lie! well that's what Melanie says

Sunday, April 22, 2007
A Different Perspective?
And if you think Global Warming won't affect you as you'll prob be dead by the time it all kicks in, think again:
And just something a lil' humorous as no doubt we can find any excuse to take the mick outta Bush:
Fact of the day:
*An area of rainforest - the size of England - is cut down every year!
Wake up to reality - take up the Green Jihad today!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Take up the Green Jihad

To keep in tune with EMPOWERING US’ Environmental Week, I thought I would carry out research via the inexhaustible internet. I have to add here that I was slightly apprehensive about what I would find (or how little I would find!) but I’m pleasantly surprised at what’s out there. Today I’d just like to remind readers of one of our many duties as a Muslim – our God-given responsibility to care for and safeguard our planet, what is ordained upon us by our Creator and the importance the Holy Quran gives to nature…
A fascinating article by Fareena Alam and Abdul Rahman Malik makes some crucial and insightful connections to Islam and the environment we live in…
Sacred balance
For most Muslims, Islam is more than merely a cultural or political identity. Religion matters – and thus any motivating argument about environmental activism must have at its core a message drawing on the sacred. The spiritual dimension, in other words, is at the heart of ‘Islamic environmentalism’. Nature is a sacred web of relationships, finely balanced and resonating with divinely given life. As the Quran says, “The sun and the moon follow courses precisely reckoned and the stars and the trees bow themselves in adoration and the heavens, God has raised them up, and set a balance. Transgress not in the balance.”
To transgress this balance is to commit a crime against God. Even the other creatures that inhabit this vast sacred dominion are not considered incidental. “No animal is there crawling on the earth and no bird flying on its wings that is not part of communities like yourselves,” the Quran reminds us. When we disrupt the natural order, we are upsetting communities as complex and diverse as our own. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: “The Earth is like your mother; you came from it and you will return to it.”
The relationship is intimate. By polluting the source of life and damaging the Earth we are actually doing irreparable harm to ourselves. Men and women of faith never used to see themselves as separate from the environment. They were always attuned to the natural order and the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars guided their devotions. The reality of climate change and other “inconvenient truths” are indicative of how we have upset both the physical and spiritual order of the earth.
How, then, to reconnect? As Abdal-Hakim Murad puts it: “The Prophet Muhammad gave people something they could actualise in their worlds, in order to give them a form of life that would allow them to reconnect with nature. What is it that we in the modern world can offer?”
To answer this question, he does offer some practical advice. “We can be, as we so often are, moaning from the edges. It cannot be a menu of pure Luddite rejectionism. We need to make calls to people to be recognisably human in the middle of the modern world. Muslims engage in fasting, one of the most ancient of human rituals, perhaps like no other sacred tradition in the world. We pray not according to a timetable set by someone in some distant hierarchy, but in tandem with the planet beneath our feet, the sun and the moon. We break fast when the sun drops below the horizon and no amount of manipulation can alter that. To be embedded in the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is to be embedded in the natural world. That is the kind of Muslim voice I think should be heard. We must exist, in the things we say and do, with our lifestyle, to be living witnesses to a form of life that is genuinely pre-modern. We drive cars, become lecturers, use computers – but in the basic patterns of our life, we are following a form of life that is pre-modern.”
The word on the street
This practical message has resonance for a new generation of Muslim environ-mentalists. In London, a remarkable community-based group has grown out of the work of IFEES. The London Islamic Network for the Environment, established by the World Development Movement activist and former IFEES project manager Muzammal Hussain, aims to make the message real at the grassroots level – through local events and campaigns where participants can get their hands dirty.
Borrowing from the approach of other community-based social justice movements, Hussain has sought to promote regular local engagement, with monthly meetings and links with existing campaigns, bringing a unique Islamic take to such events as last November’s Campaign for Climate Change march. Both LINE and IFEES also worked with the London Sustainability Exchange (LSx) in an innovative project in Tower Hamlets to sponsor Friday sermons on explicitly environmental issues [see Mosque with a mission].
LINE’s local focus and Hussain’s open-door approach has led to the initiative being replicated in the Midlands (MINE), Sheffield (ShINE) and Wales (WELCOME).
So to sum up – remember what has been prescribed to you by your creator. We will all be held to account for our actions (or lack of) on the Great Day so alongside our other responsibilities and obligations as a Muslim, make ‘Green Jihad’ one of them!
“The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said ‘The Earth is like your mother; you came from it and you will return to it.’”
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Muslim Organisations and the Environment

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
As our various nations have developed and continue to develop, we need an ever increasing amount of energy to service our every day needs, such as heating, lighting, air-conditioning, travel etc. If this energy does not come from a renewable energy source, we are simply using up finite fossil fuel resources (of oil, coal, gas). More alarmingly however, we are polluting the environment to such an extent that the effects will be catastrophic. Similarly, as populations have increased, there are a greater number people using fresh water and producing a greater amount of waste.
It said in Islam that if one kills a single person, it is like killing the whole of humanity and if one person is saved, it is like saving the whole of humanity. If we compare this saying to the numbers of people that are being killed or may be killed in the future by our incorrect use of energy and our indiscriminate disposal of waste, we will have much to answer for.
It is said that there are 3 types of people:
1. Those that strive to have less than they need.
2. Those that strive to have only what they need (and no more)
3. Those that strive to have as much as possible no matter what the consequences.
By using more than one’s needs of finite resources, just means that in time, somebody else will have less.
It is acknowledged that Islam is not just a religion, but a way of life. A way of life that respects the rights of other people, (of whatever belief, and of no belief), of animals, birds, fish, of plants and of the environment in which we live. As Muslims we should undoubtedly be treating our environment with respect, in order that it may maintain its equilibrium and in turn it will sustain our children and grandchildren.
The problems include:
1. Global warming and air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels.
2. Household waste disposal.
3. Industrial waste disposal.
4. Pollution of our rivers and seas
The moral questions facing Muslims today include:
1. In order to achieve a better quality of life, should we readily accept that our actions will have a negative (and sometimes disastrous) effect on the life of others?
2. Can we afford to tolerate the wastage of water whilst we watch others suffer without?
3.Should we be [at least] attempting to minimise the negative impacts?
4. What can we do?
As Muslims we should be striving to lead the way as conservationists. Possible actions include:
1. Use of alternative energy sources, e.g. wind and solar power
2. Use of public transport whenever possible
3. Investment in bio-fuels
4. Water conservation
5. Minimising waste disposal
6. Recycling of waste
7. Planting trees wherever possible
Renewable energy
- Muslims should invest in and learn about development of technology to harness wind & solar power for the masses (e.g. solar energy to power water de-salination plants)
- Micro-generation of wind & solar energy at a local level (wind is free and blows in most parts of the world).
Waste Disposal
- Minimising disposal of waste should be a primary concern. Wherever possible, waste should be re-cycled. Only as a last resort should it be disposed. Even then it should be treated before being allowed to flow into our rivers and waterways. As we are aware, whilst Islam is a way of life built upon hygiene and cleanliness, in most parts of the (Muslim) world our waste is not treated and therefore comes back to haunt us in the form of contamination, disease and easily preventable illnesses.
- As a high proportion of the world’s population, Muslims are currently contributing significantly (some might say disproportionately) to the waste produced, whether it be day-to-day rubbish, green house gases or industrial effluent. In some instances we are literally choking on our own waste.
Many Muslims in the West originally come from countries where in rural areas nothing is wasted, and where for example recycling a cow-pat to use as fuel for a fire is not given a second thought. Yet many of us appear to be ignorant of the need to recycle the bottles, cans, newspapers and plastics etc that we buy and throw every day. Put in perspective, the energy saved in making one tin can, is in the order of that required to power a TV for one hour.
Use of Water
As Islam was born in the desert, it is no surprise that water is honoured as the “secret of life” and that usage of water without benefits to mankind, animal, birds or plants is forbidden.
Muslims must therefore be looking to lead the way when it comes to protecting the environment and conserving our finite resources. Initially, by learning about the environment and how to protect it. Then by implementing practical solutions, for example (but not limited to):
- For every barrel of oil extracted, there could be a tree (costing perhaps just a few pennies) planted somewhere in the world.
- Use of small scale wind turbines for rural communities, particularly for water extraction
- Micro-generation using wind and solar power to supplement domestic properties
- Use of grey water (i.e. collected rain-water) for use in our gardens and where possible to flush our loos
- Use of public transport wherever possible, (or use a bicycle for short journeys)
- Ensure that our vehicles burn fuel efficiently and produce minimal emissions. [Developing countries should introduce stringent MOT style tests to ensure that road vehicles, especially government vehicles, comply with emission reducing requirements.]
- Wherever possible, protect the rights of animals (of any species). It is forbidden in Islam to kill an animal cruelly or for mere play. Islam has forbidden wastage of animals and plants in peacetime and even in time of war.
As an Ummah we should be practicing green policies that will contribute safeguarding the environment for our children, grandchildren and all future generations. As current, custodians of the planet, we bear the responsibility for our actions or indeed our in-action. Yet it is future generations that will suffer the consequences of our ignorance and selfishness.
The Prophet (pbuh) said:
"That which is lawful is plain and that which is unlawful is plain and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which not many people know. Thus he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor, but he who falls into doubtful matters falls into that which is unlawful, like the shepherd who pastures around a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every king has a sanctuary, and truly Allah's sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which, if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the heart."
None of us can truly say in our hearts, that we are doing everything we possibly can against the injustice of environmental pollution. This short paper can by no means raise, let alone answer the many questions about global warming that we as Muslims (and non-Muslims) should be addressing. There is however little doubt that if we as Muslims do not act quickly and effectively against what is perhaps the greatest ever challenge to humankind, we shall be answering for it in this life and in the hereafter.
Print only double-sided on recycled paper
March 2007
Global Warning: the world needs to act now
But what about the Muslims? There are a minority of Muslims that realise the danger, but as per usual they are largely behind the rest of the world. You'd think the religious countries (whether it be Christian, Jewish or Muslim) having being told by God to take care of his planet and his people, would be the first on this issue? But no. Then again considering it is the Muslim countries that are the oil-producing ones and the ones that have the most to lose from people switching away from oil, perhaps its not surprising.
We here at Empowering Us realise what a HUGE issue it is, and so to mark the importance of the environment and climate change, (and how Muslims need to be made more aware of it) Wide Awake, Abu Funza and I have decided to devote the rest of the week to posts and articles in this area. We can only pray that our readers will take something away, spread the word and the world will change before it is too late. (Not to end on a glum note or anything....)
Monday, April 16, 2007
All it took was an email....
I bet you're wondering what I'm on about - well, it's regarding this action alert by MPACUK that WideAwake put up (here's the link).
Basically, the BBC were wrong in saying that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel when it isn't, and alhamdulillah, people who cared decided to do something.
And this was the BBC's response:
Thank you for your e-mail.
'Football Focus' regrets any offence caused by the film broadcast ahead of the Israel v England football match. The purpose of the piece was to look at the state of football in Israel and particularly Tel Aviv, where the European Championship qualifying game was being held.
It was while comparing the young, vibrant city of Tel Aviv with the more historic Jerusalem that our reporter Damian Johnson inadvertently referred to it as the capital.
We re-iterate our apologies.
Please be assured that your feedback has been fully registered on our daily audience log which is made available to the production team involved and senior BBC management.
Thank you, once more, for taking the time to contact the BBC.
BBC Information
I say, if we get more people to voice their concerns we could (insha'allah) get the BBC to admit their mistake publicly. I'm just so pleased - because it shows to all those pacified Muslims who think that nothing can be done, that no, something can be done, only and only by the Will of Allah ofcourse, but all that Allah asks if us is to take the step and He will bring the victory.
So, next time you see a campaign worth running, go for it, because if it's for a good cause then victory is yours! Allahukbar!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Action Alert! Defend Defenders of Palestine!
National Union of Journalists of Britain and Ireland decides to boycott Israeli products in protest of Second Lebanon War and ‘Israeli aggression in Gaza’; calls on UK government to impose sanctions on Israel
The resolution, which passed by a vote of 66 to 54 (man was that a tight vote!), called for a boycott of Israeli goods “similar to those boycotts in the struggles against apartheid South Africa led by trade unions and the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to demand sanctions be imposed on Israel by the British government and the United Nations."
The announcement of the passage of the resolution drew a combination of applause and gasps, the Guardian said.
According to the Guardian, the NUJ national executive committee has been instructed to support organizations including the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Jews for Justice in Palestine and the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, the Guardian reported.,7340,L-3387995,00.html
Was doing some research on the net to see how I could thank the NUJ for brave stance to uphold human rights and condemn Apatheid Israel ... when I came across more info on the MPACUK site: are they good with these things! Who says they are racist and ineffective!).
Remember, the pro-Israeli Zionist lobbies will be all over this and will already have mobolised to try and somehow overturn this. Doing a quick google search, I've found that over 20 blogs had already attacked the NUJ (they were pro-Israeli, racist blogs such as Harry's Place and Little Green Footballs: )
... and sadly but inevitably I couldn't see a single Muslim blog / forum / that had carried this alert & applauded the NUJ.
Get to emailing now please! (the General Secretary) (the deputy)
BBC Reporter Excecuted Or Not?

I posted an ALERT last week about the kidnapping of Alan Johnston. Just read this:
'We killed BBC reporter', Palestinian group says,7340,L-3388215,00.html
BBC reporter Alan Johnston has been killed by an al-Qaeda affilated Palestinian organization, according to an internet statement obtained by Ynetnews. The statement was signed by the Palestinian Jihad and Tawheed Brigades, an organization named after an Iraqi al-Qaeda group.
Responding to the statement, the BBC said it is "aware of these reports -- but we have no independent verification of them. We are deeply concerned about what we are hearing -- but we stress, at this stage, it is rumour with no independent verification."
In the message, the group said the British and Palestinian governments were responsible for Johnston's killing.
''The whole world knows of our just cause in demanding the release of our prisoners, who are waiting under the fire of the occupation," the statement began. "Our demand was that all of those who are responsible for the journalist... release our prisoners who are being held in the prisons of the occupation," it continued.
"The whole world made so much noise about this foreign journalist, while it took no action over our thousands of prisoners," the declaration said.
I pray this is just sick rumours and the BBC reporter is alive and safe. The Palestinians are no doubt living hell on Earth and my heart goes out to them. They see no way out of their misery and are reduced to desparate measures to defend themselves and make themselves heard. But this reporter was a friend to the Palestinian people - I've read his stuff and man is it good. He reported the truth from the Mid East and exposed the Israeli aggressors and the conditions the Palestinians lived under. So why oh why would a Palestinian group do this? Unless the rumour mill has started to smear and condmen the Palestinians altogether....
Friday, April 13, 2007
Muslims funny?
The same thought came to me on Tuesday night as I was watching Shazia Mirza at the Comedy Camp. Shazia Mirza is a comedienne and MAN is she funny. It wasn’t even out of the five what particularly she actually said was the funniest, but it was more the way she said it. I think it was also because what she said was different that ensured she got the most laughs of the night. And afterwards when I overheard a dude say “she really made me see Muslims in a different way”, it just further enhanced my belief that comedy is the way forward.
In the past we have seen comedy make people much more comfortable with people from the gay and lesbian community, the Jewish community, the black community etc. Now is it surely not long overdue that the same is done by the Muslim community? Yet I know of like 3 Muslim comedians. Admittedly I don’t go out of my way looking for them, but if they’re any good I shouldn’t have to.
To sum up, (I’m starting 2 feel like JD in scrubs- the funniest programme EVER- with the need to sum up every post like he does with every episode) I’m saying you funny Muslims get yourselves out there. Comedians have a unique ability to dispel fear and tension, by making groups seem more accessible and human. Remember, God made you funny for a reason! Use it!
Norman Finkelstein: Alan Dershowitz's "The Case for Israel" is a hoax!
Shortly after the publication of the book The Case for Israel, Norman Finkelstein accused its author, Alan Dershowitz of "fraud, falsification, plagiarism and nonsense", claiming that Dershowitz had plagiarized Joan Peters's controversial book From Time Immemorial. Finkelstein expanded his findings in a book entitled Beyond Chutzpah. Dershowitz has denied the charges. Former Harvard president Derek Bok exonerated Dershowitz of the plagiarism charges,while Amherst professor Sayres Rudy claimed that the charges were justified.
Continue reading about their heated discussion here: The Dershowitz-Finkelstein affair
Here's are two clips of a nice chat between these two guys (I love a good argument :p)
I'd upload the videos onto the blog but I don't know how to upload google videos :(
Part 1:
Part 2:
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Contentions 11
These are the latest Contentions by Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad.
My favourite: Peace without justice is not peace at all
I think this is so true in the modern day. I mean there are so many Muslims who are happy with the lives they live, or are too busy 'perfecting' themselves to care about children in Darfur, Palestine and even in our own backyards.
The older generations of Muslims have failed us, not the great Muslims of the past, I mean Muslims in their 40s or above. They allowed the atrocities to continue while they concentrated on their own needs. We as human beings need to do something. There are so many good organisations (Muslim and non-Muslim) out there who are doing something like: MCB, MPACUK, ISB (although ISB really sucks :p) and Stop the War! . We, too, need to stand up
Say: My Lord has enjoined justice, and set upright your faces at every time of prayer and call on Him, being sincere to Him in obedience; as He brought you forth in the beginning, so shall you also return.
Surah Al-Araf, Verse 29
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Parent Negotiations - Ummah Films
I love the part where the Ali tells his dad that he wants to get married (about 2 mins into the video), and the dad just laughs at him "go into your room and make those little videos"- lol!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Iran to be attacked?
See I disagree with Abu Funza. No I don’t mean with everything he says, although meet him and you’ll realise how much waffle he actually chats. At the moment I’m particularly mad at him over a certain trip to
I refuse to believe
And even if
Well basically this post was just to say, I believe
Of course a little while later I could be apologising for my foolishness/naiveté and be hanging my head with shame….
Monday, April 9, 2007
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Action Alerts Need Actioning!
Arab Media Watch urges its members and the public to join the thousands, including journalists and media personalities, who have signed the BBC's online petition urging that abducted Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston be freed quickly and unharmed. It has now been over three weeks since his abduction, with no word on his whereabouts or condition.
If you would like to add your name to the petition, please click on:
While AMW condemns all forms of attacks, harassment and censorship of the media, the particular absurdity of this abduction is that Alan, as one of the few Western journalists still based in the Gaza Strip, has brought much-needed attention to the deteriorating situation in the territory over the past three years, and provided valuable and insightful perspectives that are often lacking among other media outlets," said AMW chairman Sharif Hikmat Nashashibi.
"AMW has consistently made the case that there are nowhere near enough correspondents based in the occupied Palestinian territories, and that this hampers the depth and objectivity of coverage. Alan's reports often have a qualitative edge because he is based at the heart of the conflict he is covering, rather than the relative comfort, safety and detachment of Israel," Nashashibi added.
BBC Make False Offensive Claims About Jerusalem
Sick and tired of bias, inaccurate, unobjective reporting by the media? Then do something about it today. MPACUK are undergoing a campaign demanding the BBC publicly apolgise and correct an false, offensive statement made by BBC Sport's correspondance on 24.03.07 during the Football Focus program at 12.10BST. The reporter inaccurately describes Jerusalem as Israel's capital - this is not only inaccurate and dismiss international law where neither east or west Jerusalem is considered Israel's capital but is also offensive to Palestinians living under Israeli occupation every day.
How dare they! I don't pay my licence fees for such reporting so I complained on numerous occasions via phone calls and emails and have urged friends and family do the same. It's not good moaning and grumbling from the sidelines - this is a typical example of when an injustice is done we can make a change via simple yet effective means - lobbying!
So get to complaining people:
To make a complaint via the internet click on this link.
Or call the BBC directly on 08700 100 222
*Remember the clip was televised as part of BBC Sport coverage called ‘Football Focus - Feature: Israel in Focus’ on BBC1 at 12.10BST on the 24th March 2007.
The BBC must ensure that such a mistake is not made again as it is erroneous, misleading and offensive to many people who are struggling to uphold the rights of Palestinians under occupation.
For more information on the United Nations position on the status of Jerusalem click here.
p.s Happy Easter to those celebrating. do I love Easter and the chocolates as a result of the festivity!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Mosques Get A Battering!

Good old Mosques seem to be receiving a battering lately. First signs of plans for a new Mosque in East London and an orchestrated email campaign is whipped up to spread false statements. Ken Livingstone, who I nickname as Champion Ken for his bravery and ruthlessness when it comes to defending Palestinians, revealed an organised email campaign around an online poll being conducted by the Evening Standard aimed at stirring up communal hatred by spreading entirely false statements about plans for a new mosque in East London. Then the controversial poll was removed after Champion Ken exposed its hidden agenda. You see it was no ordinary poll and thus the need to expose it's motives. The poll asked readers to vote whether or not they were in favour of the Mayor spending £100 million of public money on a new Mosque in East London however Mr Livingstone has repeatedly denied any public funds would be spent on the project. Mr Livingstone said his office has been alerted to a series of emails being sent which make what he calls "a series of false claims about the mosque proposals in such a way as to stir up communal hatred" leading him to write to Veronica Wadley, Editor of the Evening Standard. I mean come on, even the BNP were urging it's fans to vote in the poll!
Then we have an alleged arson in a Mosque in Nottingham:
A Nottingham mosque has been severely damaged in a fire described by a leading imam as "an act of terrorism against Muslims". Police and fire investigators are trying to determine the exact cause of the blaze at the Madni Masjid Mosque on Alberta Terrace in Forest Fields. Imam Raza ul Haq said he believed paint was thrown around the inside of the mosque and then set alight.
Then the whole Ruth Kelly and the £600,000 she has floating around at her dispense:
The government is planning to intervene in some mosques to support Muslims who want to marginalise extremists. Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly will announce a new role for the Charity Commission, strengthening its task of overseeing religious institutions. A £600,000 faith unit within the commission will help Muslims strengthen governance and leadership in mosques.
Ms Kelly's department has changed government strategy by launching talks with a broader range of Muslim groups. But at the same time, the largest body, the Muslim Council of Britain, has fallen out of favour, leading to claims that ministers are talking only to those prepared to agree with government.
I'm not so sure about the MCB being involved with this. Although they supposedly represnt Britain's Muslims, I've still to be convinced they are the most effective organisation to represent us. They good - but not that good. I think they are not as in tune with the younger generation as they claim. The dosh Ruth Kelly has needs to be spent on improving the state of our Mosques - indeed. But with the current apathetic and backward Mosque leaders? Hell no!
If the Mosque elders finally realise that now comes the time for them to make way for the younger generation to get involved with the running of the Mosques - the pillars of our community - in order to reform, improve and defend our communities and liberties then by all means i'll give 'em money! But sadly, this doesn't seem like it's in the pipelines for a while and our Mosques will continue to be run by men who don't speak English, who cannot apprehend that they must teach Muslims (via program's/classes/syllabuses) to engage within the democratic systems in order to make an effective change for us here as well as for our brothers and sisters worldwide, who refuses to open its doors to the non-Muslim community and thus the development of respect and harmony between people of different faiths is non-existant, and who slams doors in the faces of its women, sisters, mothers as they beg old men to let them engage within the Mosques and be allowed prayer space in the House of Allah.
No, not until then...
Friday, April 6, 2007
Israeli Thugs Beat Palestinian Man & Family
Soldiers violently attack Palestinian man in his home: August 25th, 2006
There were two cameras filming most, if not all, of the following incident. A few soldiers are easily recognizable by Human Rights Workers (HRW) given the number of times they have been present while soldiers have been invading numerous Palestinian homes.
At approximately 5:15 PM, an HRW posted at the Tel Rumeida checkpoint heard yelling and screaming coming from up the hill. The HRW moved up the hill, and a Palestinian woman was able to point out the house and medical facility from which the screams were issuing. The HRW asked Israeli soldiers immediately inside the building’s door what was going on. They refused to answer, and the soldiers physically prevented the HRW from entering the house. At this point, Dr. Taysir, the building’s owner, broke free from the soldier who was holding him, and pulled on the HRW’s arm while begging him to enter. The HRW managed to enter the door, and saw two, elongated contusions high on Dr. Taysir’s left arm. While being pushed out once again, the HRW negotiated with the soldiers to leave the door open on the condition that he remain outside.
Shortly thereafter three more HRWs arrived. The HRWs managed to enter the building. Three HRWs demanded access to Dr. Taysir, who was now out of sight, while a fourth video taped the encounter. Dr. Taysir could be heard yelling and crying out in pain from a room further in the house. The HRWs attempted to move past the soldiers in order to prevent further injury to Dr. Taysir, but were repeatedly forced back. The soldiers refused to explain why the doctor’s home had been entered, why he had been struck, or why the HRWs could not see him. Throughout this time, the soldiers were physically and verbally aggressive towards the HRWs, repeatedly shoving them towards the door, and yelling at them to get out, shut up, etc.
At this point, an Israeli major arrived with approximately six more soldiers. The major entered the building and began speaking with Dr. Taysir’s brother, who had observed some, but not all, of the incident; this conversation is filmed almost entirely. The major spoke briefly to the soldiers already on site, who quickly became considerably less aggressive toward the HRWs. After approximately ten minutes, the major and all soldiers departed the house without speaking to anyone else. The HRWs then videotaped interviews with both Dr. Taysir and his brother regarding the incident.
Dr. Taysir told the HRWs that he gone to open the door for the soldiers when almost immediately they began shoving him around and pinned him against a wall by pressing on his chest. The doctor told the soldier not to push him, and the soldier responded by punching him in the temple. Other soldiers joined in, and Dr. Taysir received blows to his arms, legs, and torso. At least two blows, those to his left arm, were strikes with the butt of a rifle; these injuries are documented with video.
Seeing that Dr. Taysir was being attacked, a female patient who was present attempted to intervene, putting herself between the doctor and the soldiers. She was struck by a soldier, and fell unconscious. The patient was later placed on a medical exam table with an oxygen feed to help her recover, where she was videotaped (with permission) by the HRWs. Dr. Taysir’s adult daughter was also beaten at some point during the encounter, though the events are not clear to us what happened. Dr. Taysir and his brother both stated repeatedly that soldiers used and regularly use foul language towards him and his family, including his wife and small children.
Later that evening, before sunset, soldiers could be seen on the roof of Dr. Taysir’s house. HRWs were standing on their own roof, and when they looked in the direction of the soldiers, the soldiers used their arms in a gesture to say ‘F***you’ to the HRWs. The soldiers were laughing the entire time. The HRWs did not respond.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
300 - the PG version
Personally I like this one more!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Sitting on the sidelines of life I see so much but do so little,
A spectator of a spectacular film I watch on enthralled,
I feel their emotions, their pain, their happiness,
I feel so ready to say what it is that they’re doing wrong and am silent when I see the right,
I am weak I know as I sit there watching the big screen ,
Just not ready for my close-up yet,
Not ready to jump in,
A spectator of a spectacular film I watch on enthralled,
I feel myself getting weaker as I sit there not ready to peel my eyes off the screen I sit there not alone as it seems,
If I did I would see what’s on the screen is actually reality,
Its physicality staring back at me with those questioning eyes wondering where I have been,
So dead and numb to life all these years,
There is no strength inside me I have sat too long,
Waiting, hoping that it wasn’t the truth,
But it is.