Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sunny Hundal Exposed

Props to Dr Xiang for exposing this ne'er good doer (I'd use more colourful language but my mum would beat me silly). There are 3 posts on this guys and his behaviour leaves alot to be desired.

Here are the posts:

Sunny Hundal - the Islamophobe, Proudly Flies the Flag for Israel

Sunny Hundal - Pro-Israeli Stooge

Sunny Hundal - Silent Regarding Israeli Human Rights Violations

I must say that after reading these posts about Sunny Hundal I've shocked at his behaviour and at how he can support Israel even when Israel commits acts of injustice against the Palestinians whose only crime is that they were born Palestinian.

I urge everybody to please contact Sunny Hundal to give him your views, or post on his blogs, websites or Guardian 'comment is free'.

He can be contacted at

We can't allow this media-bias to continue and should try our utmost to take on such Islamophobic journalists.

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