Saturday, June 9, 2007

Academics Get Smart and Boycott Israel

Last week University lecturers backed calls for an academic boycott of Israel at their inaugural national conference. Delegates at the University and College Union (UCU) conference voted 158 to 99 to circulate its branches with the boycott call from Palestinian trade unions for "information and discussion".

The motion calling for an Israeli academic boycott came jointly from the University of Brighton and the University of East London. They asked members to rally to the call from Palestinian trade unions "for a comprehensive and consistent international boycott of all Israeli institutions". Their motion also called on university lecturers to condemn the "complicity of Israeli academia in the [Palestinian] occupation".

And now our very own Tony Bliar is denouncing the boycott of Israel…man do these pro-Israeli lobbies have connections…

Blair: ‘Drop the boycott – it’s no good for peace’

TONY BLAIR has led the worldwide condemnation of the British academics’ union supporting moves towards a boycott of Israeli universities. In the Commons on Wednesday, Mr Blair called on the University and College Union to drop the resolution, passed at its annual meeting last week.

“I hope very much that the decision is overturned because it does absolutely no good for the peace process or indeed for relations in that part of the world,” Mr Blair told MPs. “The only solution ultimately is to relaunch the framework for a negotiated peace with a two-state solution at the heart of it.”

The New York based Anti-Defamation League took out display advertisements in The New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, the Financial Times and today’s JC pointing out that, at a time when journalists were being arrested in Iran, activists tortured in Zimbabwe and 400,000 people murdered in Darfur, “British unions have singled out Israel for boycott. That’s antisemitism.” – The inevitable anti-semtism card is played by the ADL!

A long term campaign has been launched by British Jewish leaders such as the Britain-Israel Communications and Research Centre (Bicom), the Jewish Leadership Council and Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks.

I guess at times like these you can truly rely on the pro-Israeli lobbies to kick into overdrive and prioritise Israel over and above Britain:

A fundraising effort was also under way. “We are in this to win and campaigns like this do not come cheap,” Ms Fitzsimons pointed out. “The aim is to persuade [UCU general secretary] Sally Hunt to do as she promised in her election manifesto and hold a ballot of all UCU members on the boycott motion.”

Taken from the British anti-Zionist Jewish blogger Mark Elf.

To thank the UCU for passing a motion clearly standing against the state of Israel and defending the rights of Palestinians, use the below details. It only takes 5 minutes to email/call and log your appreciation. The Zionist lobbies have mobolised and orchestrated a campaign to try and get Sally Hunt and the UCU to overturn the motion. The least we could do is support those who dare to stand up to Zionist bullies and advocate justice and peace in the Middle East.

Sally Hunt
Joint general secretary

Paul Mackney
Joint general secretary

Head Office:

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