Tuesday, June 5, 2007

40th Anniversary

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the start of the 6 Day War, which resulted in the capture, occupation and colonisation of East Jerusalem, The West Bank, The Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights by Israel in contravention of every International Law.

Unfortunately the Democratic Nations of the West refuse to take decisive action to force Israel to honour International Law and give the Palestinians their long overdue right to statehood.

Israel shows no sign of relenting, it continues to build illegal colonies (commonly referred to as settlements) in strategic locations on the West Bank. These colonies are connected by highways that only Jewish residents can use and that also dissect the West Bank. All this means that it is incredibly difficult, near impossible, to create anything that can be referred to as a viable Palestinian state.

There is a march planned for Saturday 9th June to protest the 40th anniversary in London (see here)

Please tell your friends and family so that we get a large turnout for this important demonstration. The Palestinians have been stateless for far too long and Masjid Al Aqsa should be freed from the shackles of Israel's occupation.

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