Friday, June 8, 2007

Making a Stand...

Anyone going to the march tomorrow? Stay tuned in for a write up of our ‘marching’ over the next few days …

Enough! End the Israeli Occupation – Justice for the Palestinians!
2007 marks the 40-year anniversary of the Six Day War, in which the Israeli army took military control of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Join the Enough! coalition demonstration tomorrow Saturday 9 July. Assemble 1.30pm at Lincoln's Inn Fields for the march to Trafalgar Square.

And speaking of actively making a stand…

Groningen University in Denmark is in talks with a law student who insists on wearing a full veil/Niqaab (face covering) to class. The university says the student may not take any exams with her face covered and has given her a few days to consider her position.

I still find it astounding that the veil can cause such uproar in today’s world. It just goes to show, the more we bury our heads in the sand and think these laws and discriminatory acts won’t affect us, the more likely it will ! So before it’s too late (and I say that lightly as the British government is not exactly improving its relations with the Muslim community) – wake up, get active, and play a role within the very systems and mechanisms (media, politics, etc) that make decisions about your rights and freedoms behind closed doors.

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