I promised to keep people updated on what I got up to while I was at Hajj, but as soon as I came back (on the 18th of Jan), I was bogged down with so many things that I just couldn't find the time to write about my experiences.
However, I'm back now (it depends if you see that as good thing or a bad thing) and want to share what happened when I first got to Makkah and to the House of Allah.
We (I mean my family and I) had a 7 hour stay in Cairo before we got to Makkah, and as such were really really tired. I couldn't soak in everything as I was getting used to wearing two pieces of white, unsewn cloth and I was so tired.
We were lucky enough to have an old family friend in our Hajj group, and he had been coming for the past 26 years to perform either Hajj (pilgrimage) or Umrah (the lesser pilgrimage).
I remember walking for about 5 minutes before we got to the beautiful mosque, the marble looked so pure, and the atmosphere was electric - I was finally going to get the chance to see THAT house, I was finally going to see it with my own eyes. No TV broadcasts, no sir, I would get a chance to see the House of Allah for which so many believers in the past have strove to protect. As water washes away dirt, the thought of finally seeing Baitullah (the House Of Allah) washed my fatigue right out.
We entered through one of the doors that was close to mount Marwa (one of the two hills that Hajira/Hajar - the wife of Ibrahim/Abraham peace be upon him - ran on to try and find some water to quech her screaming baby's thirst).
There were so many people - all the men dressed in simple white cloths, no one could tell who was a king and who was a pauper, but they all had one common goal, to follow the Command of Allah.
As we got closer to the House I could feel the hairs on my neck stand up, I hadn't even seen it yet, but I could sense that it was there.
And then I saw it.
And I cried, and I kept crying, throughout the time I spent there that day that is all I did, such was the effect of Allah's House.
When we got to the end of the ritual, the men went to get their hair cut and then we all headed home to change out of our Ihram clothes (I did the type of Hajj where you take the Ihram clothes off after having done the preliminary rituals and then don it again when the 5 days of Hajj begin).
However something weird happened over the next couple of days, I couldn't feel any emotions when I looked at the Kaabah while I was in the Mosque - had I become so impure from within that I couldn't even show thanks, even FEEL thanks?
But that's when I realised - it wasn't that I couldn't feel anything when I looked at the Kaabah - the truth was that I was experiencing a new emotion that throughout my hectic life I have never encountered - sakinah (tranquility).
In the hustle and bustle of today's world where is the chance to just sit and thank Allah? I had all the time in the world to say thank you to Allah, and it was due to this new feeling of trainquility that Allah bestowed every time I looked up at the big beautiful House Of Allah.
There's so much more to say, but if I say it all now I'll need to make a new blog! Instead, from time to time I'll let you know what happened.
Abu Funza
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